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What's you word?


As the end of January is approaching, I’ve been reflecting on my word for this year and how I have been integrating it into my days so far. Last years word was joy and involved lots of fun and giving myself permission to say yes, but this year my word is breathe, and it brings with it a different energy. This year is all about slowing down and checking in with myself, making sure I choose what is right for me, not what I think I ‘should’ do. This year seems to involve saying no more and unlearning a lot of old ways of being.

Unlearning is something I talk about a lot with clients, and it can be a big part of their journey and while I’ve done a fair bit of it myself, I’m realising I still have lots more to do. Some of it I wasn’t ready to look at before and some I hadn’t even noticed. That’s a big part of what this year’s word is about and it’s why it has several support words to remind me. Together they give me a way forward when I can feel myself becoming overwhelmed or slipping back into old ways of being.

Breathe: Pause Listen Reflect Practice

Each stage helps me to sink deeper into myself and connect with what is right for me. I particularly like the last stage as it reminds me not only to act on what I learn, but also that it is something that takes practice to do. I know the more I make space for myself to breathe, the easier it will become, hopefully it will eventually happen without having to take myself through the stages, but that’s a long way off.

For now, I am finding small ways to remind myself of my intention for the year; words written on my chalk board, a new home screen, regular(ish) yoga, a walk and a hundred other small moments when I find the space to breathe. It’s all a practice and I won’t always do it the same way (or at all) and that’s ok. What’s important is that I remember my intention and reasons for it. I’ve got a year to embed it in my day to day.

Do you have a word or intention for the year? I’d love to know how it’s going.

A picture of a lake with trees on the other side. Text reads 'Pause Listen Breather Reflect Practice'

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